Die Newcomer Szene der Musik ist groß, wenn nicht gar gigantisch. Sich unter all den täglich erscheinenden Bands und Künstlern ein Gehör zu verschaffen bedeutet daher umso mehr für jeden Act.
Die Band die wir euch heute näher bringen möchten kann bereits darauf zurück schauen dass ihre Videos weit über 40000 mal geklickt wurden und sich eine erste Fan base gebildet hat.
Metalcore made in Boston by "Wolf Hollow". So heißt die Vierköpfige Herren Truppe die seit 2013 gemeinsam Musik macht.
Wir haben mit Ihnen gesprochen.
SoS: "Wolf Hollow" was a 5 members band, actually your a 4 members band and still looking for a new drummer?
Wolf Hollow: The band has flip flopped over the years on what the right number of members should be, we recently decided that a four piece would be best for our sound & image. We like the stage symmetry of a four piece. And we were looking for a new drummer a few months ago, but Tyler joined just in time for the filming of "Reckless" and is here to stay.
SoS: "Reckless" is ur latest and 3rd release. What's coming up next? Maybe a full set Album? Tour?
Wolf Hollow: You guys can expect some new music soon. We'd love to tour soon, we're just waiting on the right opportunity.
SoS: Your sound is a kind of typical metalcore sound in mix with melodic parts. How would you describe the differents between u and other metalcore bands?
Wolf Hollow: The difference between us & other metal core bands would definitely be that we are more dynamic and willing to try things that don't fit the standard metal core archetype. Some of our older songs have parts written in swing and the new songs in the works are pretty different from what you're hearing in metal core now. We also love orchestra so if you're looking for a theatrical band that's us.
SoS: Are there any other musicians/bands, you get be inspired/motivate in what ur doing?
Wolf Hollow: Of course, we tend to look of course at the big name bands that dominated the scene and try to see what they're doing that we're not. We still get inspired on a local level too, when you see your friends band gaining popularity that's always really exciting and tends to make us work a little harder.
SoS: Are u writting all lyrics on your own? And what is the inspiration in song writing?
Wolf Hollow: James (our guitar player) writes most of the lyrics. Inspiration for the three singles that're out, varies per song. Visionary is the classic "betrayal" type song, Purple Heart is a love song, Reckless a conceptual song about waking up from an alternate reality and coming to terms with what's "real".
SoS: If you could realice a dream as a band - what would it be?
Wolf Hollow: To have our music mean something to someone, the same way our favourite bands growing up touched us. And of course tour 24/7 and as far from home as possible, pretty much the same as any other band.
SoS: Last but not least, because we're a german blog. What's up in your mind if you hear "germany" or "germans"?
Wolf Hollow: I (James) personally think of Biergartens and how you guys mix your beer with orange/ cola. I took German throughout high school and spent a month in the Munich area, definitely my favourite European county haha. You guys seems to have good musical diversity too, the EDM scene is popping off in a big way I've heard!
Die Band die wir euch heute näher bringen möchten kann bereits darauf zurück schauen dass ihre Videos weit über 40000 mal geklickt wurden und sich eine erste Fan base gebildet hat.
Metalcore made in Boston by "Wolf Hollow". So heißt die Vierköpfige Herren Truppe die seit 2013 gemeinsam Musik macht.
Wir haben mit Ihnen gesprochen.
SoS: "Wolf Hollow" was a 5 members band, actually your a 4 members band and still looking for a new drummer?
Wolf Hollow: The band has flip flopped over the years on what the right number of members should be, we recently decided that a four piece would be best for our sound & image. We like the stage symmetry of a four piece. And we were looking for a new drummer a few months ago, but Tyler joined just in time for the filming of "Reckless" and is here to stay.
SoS: "Reckless" is ur latest and 3rd release. What's coming up next? Maybe a full set Album? Tour?
Wolf Hollow: You guys can expect some new music soon. We'd love to tour soon, we're just waiting on the right opportunity.
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Wolf Hollow: The difference between us & other metal core bands would definitely be that we are more dynamic and willing to try things that don't fit the standard metal core archetype. Some of our older songs have parts written in swing and the new songs in the works are pretty different from what you're hearing in metal core now. We also love orchestra so if you're looking for a theatrical band that's us.
SoS: Are there any other musicians/bands, you get be inspired/motivate in what ur doing?
Wolf Hollow: Of course, we tend to look of course at the big name bands that dominated the scene and try to see what they're doing that we're not. We still get inspired on a local level too, when you see your friends band gaining popularity that's always really exciting and tends to make us work a little harder.
SoS: Are u writting all lyrics on your own? And what is the inspiration in song writing?
Wolf Hollow: James (our guitar player) writes most of the lyrics. Inspiration for the three singles that're out, varies per song. Visionary is the classic "betrayal" type song, Purple Heart is a love song, Reckless a conceptual song about waking up from an alternate reality and coming to terms with what's "real".
Wolf Hollow: To have our music mean something to someone, the same way our favourite bands growing up touched us. And of course tour 24/7 and as far from home as possible, pretty much the same as any other band.
SoS: Last but not least, because we're a german blog. What's up in your mind if you hear "germany" or "germans"?
Wolf Hollow: I (James) personally think of Biergartens and how you guys mix your beer with orange/ cola. I took German throughout high school and spent a month in the Munich area, definitely my favourite European county haha. You guys seems to have good musical diversity too, the EDM scene is popping off in a big way I've heard!
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